Open-access Professional Master's in Public Health: from legal precepts to experience in a research and education institution

This study is about the discourses that prevailed over the course of time in Brazilian legislation for the Master's Course in Public Health, and how a Brazilian research and education institution in the area of Public Health appropriated these discourses in the creation of its course proposals. Discourse analysis techniques were applied to legal documents and to sixteen master's programs developed in the institution under scrutiny. The results revealed that with respect to legislation, analysis of the historical timeline makes it possible to say that the initial lack of definition progressively gave rise to the understanding that the identity of such post-graduate education presupposes pedagogical practices that promote the strengthening of ties between academia and the workplace. And, in relation to the master's course proposals for public health in the institutions under scrutiny, they still operate with traditionally consolidated training schemes and tend to standardize their proposals with those of the academic model. It was assumed in this study that the series of proposals would clearly mirror the intentions and, above all, the vision of the training institutions in the area of public health on this stricto sensu model, the identity of which also appears poorly defined.

Public health; Professional Master's degree; Curriculum; Legislation

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