Open-access The experience of a public institution in the training of health professionals to work in primary care

This scope of this paper is to analyze the training of nurses and physicians to work in primary care at a public institution in the municipality of Marilia, duly identifying the concepts of professors, coordinators and graduates in relation to the formation of health professionals. It is a qualitative, exploratory study with interviews conducted with 21 individuals. The results revealed that according to the individuals interviewed, both courses prepare professionals to work in primary care, albeit with limitations in relation to actions in management collective and care. The interviewees believe that the use of active methodologies has been important in the teaching and learning process. Also, the fact that from the first year of undergraduate studies the students participate in primary health care broadens their knowledge of this reality. The study highlights the need to enhance the teaching-service partnership and strategies to improve the training physicians to work in primary health care.

Primary health care; Nursing education; Medical education

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