Open-access Seat posture: the efficiency of an educational program for scholars

This work had as aim the seat posture evaluation program from first-grade students in elementary school, in a public, private and municipal school, in Bauru. For that 71 students were evaluated (pre-test) about knowledges related to seat posture education after all it was given an education program about it, made by exposured class, proof techniques and feedback associated of an effort program supplied by trained professors and finally the revaluation (post-test) of participants knowledge. As a result: 1) on the pre-test ocurred valuable difference between schools, the municipal school presented less mistakes number than the private and the public schools; 2) the post-test showed that there was a valuable difference showing that the municipal and private schools have had less mistakes number related to the public; 3) in all the schools the mistake situation was bigger before the test than after the test. Comparing schools, according to the mistake situation, when it increased public school has better answers than private schoolt. It's concluded that the program is efficient to increase the school's knowlegde about the seat posture education.

Education program; Seat posture; Scholars and prevention

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