Open-access Burnout among Family Healthcare physicians: the challenge of transformation in the workplace

The scope of this paper is to understand how conflicts with the institution and disagreements regarding team members'attributions are interpreted by Family Healthcare physicians from the burnout perspective. Qualitative research was conducted with 24 doctors in Recife between August 2005 and November 2006 based on management evaluation (geographic access, conflicts within the team, between teams and the District, between the team and the community and public violence in the area), and four teams were selected in each of the six Health Districts. Semi-structured interviews were then conducted. An enormous discrepancy between the expectations of physicians and the reality of the workplace was detected. They reject the institutional consultation priority and demands for productivity. They suffer from what they consider loss of professional identity, with nurses attributions questioning the historic essence of their practice. There is discredit concerning change and a desire to abandon the profession, especially amongst those with the highest expectations concerning conversion of the model. A broad set of elements was detected that favor simultaneous exhaustion and professional inefficiency and provoke negative attitudes, stressing the need for promoting health in the workplace.

Burnout; Occupational fatigue; Primary Care Physicians; Family Healthcare

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