Open-access Physical performance and its association with anthropometric and body composition variables in the elderly


The aging process leads to biological changes that affect the physical performance and nutritional status of older adults. The objective this study is to determine the association between physical performance and anthropometric and body composition variables in the elderly. This is a cross-sectional study. Were assessed: sex, age, handgrip strength (HGS), flexibility/mobility, balance, body mass index, waist and calf circumference, triceps skinfold thickness, arm fat area and arm muscle circumference. Multiple logistic regression was used (p<0.05). Overall, 420 elderly were evaluated. Malnourished individuals were more likely to show poor HGS. Elderly aged 70-79 years, 80 years or older and those malnourished were more likely to show poor balance. Older women were less likely to show poor flexibility/mobility. We conclude that lowercalf circumferencewas associatedwithworse performance inHGSand balance.The ageincreased the chanceof the elderlypresentinstability.The flexibility/mobilitydoesn’t seem tobe influenced bychanges in body composition. Therefore, these resultsmay beimportantguidingspecific actionsto ensurehealthy aging.

Elderly; Physical performance; Anthropometry; Body composition

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