Open-access “We are families too”: LGBT experiences and demands for access to Surrogacy in Argentina


Surrogacy (GS) has been established as a means of access to male homoparenting and, despite not being regulated in Argentina, it is negotiated in a “paralegal” scenario. For some time now, LGBT organizations have proposed regulation based on the argument that GS represents the only option available for a male homosexual couple to have a child with a genetic link, albeit with only one of them, and consecutively acknowledge the family ties of both. By means of ethnographic work carried out within the scope of a postgraduate research project, our objective is to ascertain the experiences of male homosexual couples who seek the legitimacy of GS processes and equal access to the healthcare system. With this in mind, we seek a reflection that articulates the construction of public health policies and the claims of sectors of the LGBT movement, focusing on the meanings of the collective experience, on the ways in which these actors organize their family demands, and on the conceptions and practices that articulate these claims with the production of public policies.

Key words: Surrogacy; Homosexual parenting; Family demands

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