Open-access Healthcare on the public agenda: convergences and gaps on the discussion lists and work programs of government institutions and social movements

Based on examinations of information on the discussion agendas and work programs of selected social movements and Government institutions, this paper identifies high-priority sub-themes and action strategies that comply with the healthcare agenda. It offers detailed descriptions of convergences and discrepancies among the propositions, concepts and lines of action of various agents, in addition to clashes in the dynamics of social movements and healthcare councils. Reflections on affinities and gaps in the agendas examined indicate the consolidation and preponderance of healthcare for Brazil on the one hand, while on the other they question the standpoints for change in the guidelines structuring the Brazilian healthcare network. Based on these queries, four challenges are presented for the implementation of Brazil's National Health System (SUS).

Healthcare agenda; Priorities of non-government institutions; Social movements

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