Open-access The Brazilian phytotherapics industry: challenges and opportunities


The purpose of this article is to discuss and analyze the development challenges of the medicinal plants and phytotherapics industry in Brazil. This industry represents an excellent alternative to face the paradox of abundance that exists in the health area. The methodology adopted was a field research, using semi-structured questionnaires with companies, researchers and public managers to evaluate their development between 2009 and 2015 and to point out the most serious problems faced. The results observed indicate that the main challenges found were the regulation of law on the access to the genetic patrimony in the research area, and to bring into harmony the rules in the entire chain of medicinal plants and phytotherapics production area. The slow implementation pace of public policies for the industry shows a setback regarding both productive and research activities with medicinal plants and phytotherapics in the period.

Medicinal plants; Phytotherapics; Industry; Regulation; Access to genetic patrimony

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