Open-access Healthcare and development

As modern healthcare systems are the outcome of complex interactions among economic, political and social processes, the purpose of this paper is to discuss the links between health and development in Brazil, showing that the depletion of the liberal economic policy model paves the way for a return to development, understood as a blend of economic growth, changes in the production structure and better living standards. The healthcare production complex plays a crucial role in this process, as a field where technological innovation and capital build-up generate opportunities for investment, work and income, in addition to spurring major steps forward in terms of upgrading individual health. The recent adoption of public policies designed to underpin aspects of economic and social policies shows that the issue of national development has returned to a key position on government agendas, opening up prospects of closer integration between economic logic and public health logic. However, it must be admitted that Brazil has not yet achieved a virtuous association between healthcare and development.

Health and development; Liberal model and health; Technological innovation in health; Integral care

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