Open-access Hospital contingency in coping with COVID-19 in Brazil: governmental problems and alternatives


This paper analyzes the government’s strategic agenda for coping with COVID-19 in Brazil, focusing on hospital care. Twenty-eight Contingency Plans were analyzed in full, one national, 26 at state level, and one from the Federal District. The Public Policy Cycle’s theoretical framework was used, specifically governmental pre-decision and decision to face the pandemic. The evidence revealed convergences between the national and state levels concerning proposals for reorienting care flow, detecting cases, and indicating referral hospitals. However, the state agendas revealed weaknesses in acquiring mechanical ventilation devices, sizing human resources, and regionalizing hospital care. Moreover, few states have established a method for calculating back-end beds, mainly regarding the outlook of opening hospitals of reference or contracting additional ICU beds. We can conclude that the heterogeneous actions explained in the plans show the complex process of coping with COVID-19 in Brazil with its regional inequalities, weaknesses in the state health systems, and reduced coordination by the Ministry of Health.

Key words Coronavirus; Unified Health Systems; Hospitals; Hospital Bed Capacity; Contingency Plans

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