Open-access The managerial dimension of labor: aspects of care activities

The paper deals with the issue of the transformation of the worlds of work, focusing on the healthcare sector from the ergological perspective, the object of reflection and analysis of which are human activities. Initially an attempt is made to show the transformations that have occurred in performing the activity per se, emphasizing the discussions of norms and values present in healthcare situations, based on research that addressed the activities of care. Subsequently the change of values that occur in a tripolar space are discussed, in which the activity is one of the poles, indicating the tensions that impinge upon it and examining the coexistence of different temporalities that surround the worlds of work. A study is conducted to reflect on the different dimensions/poles of transformation related to work and their temporalities, opposing the idea that these originate from and are imposed solely by the market. Finally a discussion on the reserves of alternatives contained in the actual work processes is staged, seeking to point out ways that consider the viewpoint of activity and the knowledge accumulated by workers.

Health and work; Ergology; Care; Health sector; Activity

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