Open-access Management competencies for basic units of the Health Care System

The decentralization process of the Health Care System presents a claim for management capacity that the presents managers are not equipped. Consequently, it is observed in the practice of these managements improviser forms in conducting such huge social programmes, for there is no an autonomous management sure of the capacity to cope with groups of the community, entities of different sections and with different instances of organization social power, through a process of negociation. The claim for management capacity in public health services is increasing as a consequence of several factors. The descentralization process of health services has been an important contribution in this way, and it represents the multiplication of points of the system where there must have an equation thad shows what and how to do, to make decisions, to guide process of production and evaluate the results. The proposal of development of manager capacity for the health units, comprised in this article, has the aim to constitute in an instrument of backing toward the reorganization of the health services, attesting that the health units are part of a whole governmental steps whose common point is to have in its initial point, the political decision to care about the community needs, among them the necessity of health, in a universal way, equanimous and of good quality.

Management; Acessibility; Evaluation; Reorganisation

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