Open-access DECIDIX: meeting of the Paulo Freire pedagogy with the serious games in the field of health education with adolescents


Introduction  Health education with adolescents is a challenge. Serious games are considered strategic tools, and their effectiveness is related to the pedagogical model adopted. Health education can promote leadership and autonomy, especially since is based on Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy as the theoretical foundation.

Objective  To analyze the contributions of the DECIDIX serious game for educational purposes, supported by Paulo Freire’s foundations, applied to health education with adolescents in the sexual and reproductive field.

Methods  Data were acquired through the validation of DECIDIX, which was carried out in two stages: i) with adolescents, and, ii) with health and education professionals. Data were registered through an audio recording of interventions; focus group; interviews and (participant and non-participant) observation. Also, data were qualitatively coded and categorized. Theoretical approach: Paulo Freire’s theoretical foundations supported both, DECIDIX development and the analysis of its effectiveness.

Results  DECIDIX is a tool that assists the educator in educational activities using Freire’s constructs, aiming the establishment of horizontal and dialogical relationships between educators and adolescents, and also, promoting experiences to develop critical reflection and autonomy.

Health education; Games; Adolescent; Sexual and reproductive health

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