Open-access Breastfeeding in children from 0 to 59 months in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil, in accordance with weight at birth

The scope of this paper was to describe and analyze the practice of breastfeeding in children under five years of age in the state of Pernambuco, in 2006 in accordance with birth weight. It involved a cross-sectional study with a sample of 1,595 children. The chi square test was used to examine bivariate associations and Poisson regression was applied for multivariate adjustment of conditioning factors to exclusive breastfeeding > 4 months, according to birth weight. It was found that the practice of prenatal care and number of visits benefited children born weighing > 2,500 gram, compared to those with birth weight < 2,500 g (low birth weight - LBW). There was no statistical difference in the ratings of breastfeeding, according to birth weight. The years of formal study and type of delivery variables were linked to the group associated with LBW, while for children weighing > 2,500 g associations with the per capita income, geographical area, guidance on breastfeeding during prenatal care and sex of the children variables were detected. The group of LBW children did not benefit from recommendations regarding breastfeeding and also the results from the relations of the variables that remained in the two groups were different, representing the final models of the multivariate analyses.

Breastfeeding; Low birth weight; Morbidity; Prevalence

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