Open-access The trap: the discursive bases of the neuropsychiatrization in RSI

The bases of neuropsychiatrization of the Repetitive Strain Injury. It's used as a reference to the polemic developed in Australia, in the 80's, dealing with: the iatrogenicity of the disease and the simulation by the patients; the sociopolitical implications of the diagnoses of chronical diseases and the psychiatric discourses used to define and mark the predisposition in the osteomuscular diseases that afflict the workers. It is considered that such orientations build a net of alliances that formed traps for nexus denial in the National Institute of Social Security/RJ in accordance with the practice instituted in other countries. Such strategies based on the cost reduction of the benefits tend to de-characterize the work element as a fundamental component in the generating process of such diseases.

RSI; DORT; Subjectivity; Worker's health; Medical inquiry

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