Open-access Uruguayan and Cuban public health systems in the Latin American context: a consideration

At first, we analyze different socio-economic factors involved in the Latin American health systems, as the application of the neoliberal economic model and the globalization process; these factors make health to be seen as a merchandise. We discuss to what extent the diverse population groups are affected by the socio-economic factors, and how the latter can harm health as a collective good. Also, we consider the problems caused by the privatization of health, and what happens when the State looses its role as responsible for social security. In a second part, we analize health indicators in Latin America, and make correlation studies to determine associations among them. From the results it is possible to conclude that the health indicators are determined to a great extent by socio-economic factors, and that the health practice should be focused in primary health care and in health education. Finally, we particularly consider the cases of Uruguay and Cuba, two examples of a good performance in health but with great differences in their historical processes and health policies.

Uruguay; Cuba; Latin America; Public health; Health indicators

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