Open-access The effect of Ai Chi method in fybromialgic patients

The objective of this article is to show the effect of the Ai Chi method, as an alternative form of hydrotherapeutic approach in fibromyalgia syndrome patients. Ten patients were studied, four were part of the experiment group and five of the control group, with one desistance. The patients were evaluated through the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (QIF) and Scale of Intensity and Index of pain in Sensible Points. Two evaluations were performed, before and after the treatment. The patients were submitted to ten sessions of the Ai Chi method during 40 minutes. The scale of intensity of pain in sensible points presented an improvement in the intensity of pain after the intervention, while quality of life remained without alteration. Regarding the quality of life, it was observed that the groups had similar results, because of the fact that patients had not presented improvement at depressive state. It was also verified a difference in the index of the sensible points between the groups; the explanation for this difference might be because of the benefits of the immersion in warm water and the effect of the Ai Chi method. There was no significant difference between the groups, which can be attributed to its limitations. In this way, new studies referring to the application of the Ai Chi method in patients carrying fibromyalgia syndrome become relevant.

Fibromyalgia syndrome; Ai Chi method; Aquatic physiotherapy

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