Open-access Policy of Labor Management and Health Education: a ProgeSUS experience


Aim  To evaluate the stage of labor management and education policies in municipal and state health secretariats (SMS and SES, respectively), having as reference the adherence to a qualification and structuring program of work management and education in the Unified Health System.

Method  A descriptive and quantitative study, developed with 519 representatives from the Human Resources (HR) area of SMS and SES, through a survey composed of 56 questions, via a computer-assisted telephone interview in 2012. Responses were processed in a computerized database and the data treated by descriptive statistics.

Results  Changes in professional qualification, the establishment of job and salary plans and negotiation processes were identified; on the other hand, there was no progress related to the financial and budgetary autonomy of the area of work management and health education.

Conclusion  It is observed progress in the incorporation of innovations in the management in SES and SMS from the process of training of managers and financial induction. It is necessary to monitor and periodically evaluate the operationalization of labor and education policies aimed at strengthening them, correcting directions and implementing innovative actions.

Human resources in health; People management; Decentralization; Public health policies

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