Open-access Contribution to the mental health education under the sign of the de-institutionalization

The present paper aimed at reporting an educational experience in Psychiatric Nursing Course at the College of Nursing of the Regional University of Rio Grande do Norte (FAEN-URRN), in the period from the middle of 80's to the middle of 90's, under the de-institutionalization view and the mental patient citizenship rights, anchored in the discussion on health and society. The theoretical discussion, compilation of texts and confrontation of the theory/practice in field performance were the method utilized. Among these results, it was evident the methodological-theatrical base of the historical and dialectic materialism, as a conducting wire of the attainment of the teach-learning process, making possible a better comprehension on the totality and a posterior critical review of the nursing program of FAEN-URRN and the nurse performance in mental health.

Education; Mental health; De-institutionalization

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