Open-access The epidemiological profile of HIV-positive individuals and HIV-Leishmaniasis co-infection in a referral center in São Luis, Maranhão, Brazil

AIDS is a public health problem and visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is the most frequent co-infection. This study seeks to describe the epidemiological aspects of HIV-positive individuals and to investigate the occurrence of HIV-Leishmania co-infection. It is a descriptive study with 287 HIV=positive individuals assisted at the reference center for HIV/AIDS in São Luís, MA. Montenegro's intradermal reaction and bone marrow aspiration were performed for detecting the Leishmania sp. infection. Epidemiological data were collected by means of a questionnaire. The chi-square test was used for gender differences, with p < 0.05 of statistical significance level. There was statistical significance among men regarding the use of septic tanks, and income of up to two salaries. Regarding exposure, heterosexual orientation was the most frequent category for both genders, and we observed an increase in this category among women. Among HIV-positive individuals, 4.2% had suggestive symptoms of VL with identification of Leishmania amastigotes in bone marrow aspirate (myelogram). The profile of HIV-positive individuals did not differ from what is commonly found in Brazil, with predominance of young people of productive age. Furthermore, a superposition of the transmission areas for HIV-LV co-infection was found.

HIV/Aids; Visceral leshmaniasis; Co-infection

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