Open-access Incorporation of the social sciences in the production of knowledge about work and health

This article presents a bibliographical revision on the influence of the social sciences to overcome the reducing conceptions of relationship work-health, in the last two decades. It is a type of diagnosis of the scientific production, in which outstanding aspects are: the contributions for the characterization of the worker’s health, as knowledge field and of intervention, and for the analysis of the politics and of the practices of the public institutions; the comprehensive approaches and gender questions. It was conducted an assessment of indexed journals and masters degree dissertations and doctoral thesis. It was consulted: the bank of dissertations and thesis organized by the Coordination of Improvement of the Higher Education and for the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology; the Virtual Library in Health of the Regional Library of Medicine and Scientific Electronic site On-line Library. It was verified the predominance of studies on specific themes and certain categories of workers, in opposition to attempts of totalizing approaches. In spite of the outstanding progresses in knowledge terms and of enlargement of study objects, significant lack of investigations exists on segments of the working population that present larger social vulnerability.

Worker’s health; Social sciences and worker’s health; Humanities and worker’s health

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