Open-access Childhood and [re]habilitation: pragmatic political realities in the Colombian context


In this article, we outline some intersections between the concepts of childhood and [re] habilitation, which have undergone parallel development, especially since the 20th century. This complex interaction is mediated and constructed from scientific discourses that have consolidated around childhood. We emphasize this analysis from two perspectives: 1) academic positions that, from professions such as physical therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy, touch upon [re]habilitation in childhood and 2) public policy perspectives, which tend towards the creation of places to professionally practice [re]habilitation. A literature review driven by the question “What does it mean to [re]habilitate children in Colombia?” is cited in each section of this text, divided historically into 1) the rise of these [re]habilitative professions in Colombia, 2) the decade of the 1990s, marked by great changes through Colombian political reforms, and 3) the technological developments of the 21st century. We conclude that medical hegemony continues to guide the processes of [re]habilitation within a context that has changed and which imposes new challenges and requires new understanding and great conceptual and practical mobilization.

Key words Boys and girls; Disability; Speech therapy; Occupational therapy; Physical therapy

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