Open-access Analysis of the performance of contractualization primary health care indicators in the period 2009-2015 in Lisbon and Tagus Valley


Reforms started in 1996 intended that Regional Health Administrations (ARS) should play a relevant role in the process of transforming an integrated model towards a contractual health care model. The essential tool of this transformation would be the Contractualization Agency, established in each ARS. Its role in the new contractualization culture was to negotiate prospective budgets with health care institutions, which included Primary Health Care (PHC). This paper is a longitudinal analysis of the development of a set of nine PHC contractualization indicators in three Health Center Clusters (ACeS) of the Regional Health Administration of Lisbon and Tagus Valley (ARSLVT). We have noticed that the setting of goals, in terms of external contractualization and its monitoring and follow-up are decisive and help health professionals to define trajectories and performance goals. We also recognize the need to revise baseline indicators by developing them into outcome indicators.

Primary Health Care; Contracting; Indicators

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