Open-access Violence as object of care in a trauma intensive care unit: the nurses' "view"

This study is based on hybrid typology. The objective is to know and understand the "perspective" and responses of the nurses when caring for a patient that was the victim of violence and hospitalized with services in a trauma intensive care unit. The study was carried out in Porto Alegre, in a public hospital in the emergency trauma center. The subjects are professionals of the nursing team from intensive care units and the patients hospitalized were victims of violence in 2001. The quantitative data came from the hospitalization records and were analyzed with absolute and relative frequency rates with help from Epi-Info software. The Thematic Content Analysis was adopted for discursive data. Of 697 patients hospitalized in this period, victims of violence, 90.5% were males; 73% were whites and 27% were blacks or of black descent; the age bracket of 11 to 39 years old corresponded to 78.9% of the hospitalizations; 47.9% were injured with a handgun, 26.5% by a knife or cutting edge, 25% by physical aggression, and 0.3% were victims of rape. In relation to the nursing "perspective" as to patient care, the concern of the workers and the difficulties they face became evident. It is pointed out that public health services need to analyze this and create spaces of co-responsibility in this process.

Violence and trauma; Care; Nursing; Emergency; Hospitalization

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