Open-access Health promotion programs for the elderly: a review of cientific literature from 1990 to 2002

This article presents a panel about the experiences on evaluation of health promotion programs for the elderly starting from a systematic literature review. A bibliography search was performed on databases, on websites and specialized journals published between 1990 and 2002. Only programs with multi-theme focus that contemplated educative and/or preventive activities were considered. The data revealed a multidimensional field regarding theoretical and methodological trends and research strategies. In international cases, a study design prevails that is quasi-experimental. In Brazil, reports of experiences are more common. The most important dimensions evaluated on these works are the receptivity among the elderly, the improvement of psycological and social indicators, the adherence to behavioral recommendations and the educative process. The results indicate good adhesion among the elderly and discrepancy of effects on the quantitative measurement of indicators. The qualitative results point to ways of understanding these processes. One can conclude that the evaluation on health promotion programs for the elderly is still weakly developed in Brazil and that the research of the synthesis of the evaluated programs can be a parameter for the development of experiences in our context.

Health promotion elderly; Programs evaluation; Health education

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