Open-access Youth mortality, social marginalization and health inequity in Mexico


This study seeks to determine the differences in youth mortality in Mexico based on selected causes by sex and extreme levels of municipal marginalization in two triennia (2004-2006 and 2015-2017) and to establish a relationship between the differences found, the social environment and the availability of health resources. Using official data, years of life lost (YLL) between 0 and 85 years old and YLL for the 15-29-year-old age group were calculated for 15 of the main causes of death in Mexico in both triennia; the YLL was calculated for municipalities grouped into two categories: high and very high marginalization (HaVHMA) and low and very low marginalization (LaVLMA). Violent deaths (especially homicides) are the main causes of death in young women and men throughout Mexico, regardless of the level of marginalization, and increased from the first to second triennia studied. Men aged 15 to 29 years in HaVHMA municipalities had an excess YLL compared to those in LaVLMA municipalities in 13 of the 15 causes analyzed for 2004-2006 and in all causes for 2015-2017; for women, excess was observed for 13 of 15 causes in each triennium. These findings reflect the unfair disadvantages to which young people are exposed in HaVHMA municipalities.

Key words: Mortality; Social marginalization; Health equity; Adolescents; Mexico

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