Open-access Insecurity in the labor market and lack of social protection: challange for collective

This study presents a characterization of insecurity in the labor market, affecting great parts of the Brazilian society. We discuss some dimensions of this conjuncture resulting from the structural systems and the opening of ecomomy on international basis.We state the socio-political consequences of these changes - which are representing the new social question. This degradation of the life standard, of production systems, associated with the lack of social protection takes form in a desintegration/ reconstruction of identities created in turn of labor. The violence in the big urban centers worsen the range of contradictions of the contemporaneous life, constituting malig effect of these transformations. The repercussions for health are the heart of the problem. In view of the difficulty of collection and measurement of indicators for the implications of this picture through the usuallly employed means one invested in the construction of methodological strategies which enable us to formulate estimates of the damage caused to health, resulting from the current process of introduction/exclusion from work. We still describe three of the actions carried out in public health services,with adolescents in extreme risk situations and in police stations, analysing the records.

Insecurity in the Labor Market; Social Exclusion; Work Accidents; Social Violence

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