Open-access The family implication on the drug abusive use: a critical review

This article presents a critical review of the litterature about the relationship between adolescence, family and drug abusive use. Discusses the importance of inserting the drugaddiction symptom in the familiar and sociocultural context for the understanding of its complexity. Family, school and peers are seen as the adolescent primary socialization sources. Family educational practices and parenting styles, with its three different types of parental control, are emphasized because they can either facilitate, or not, drug abusive use. The researches results point to the importance of engaging the family in the addict treatment and some studies enlarge the focus to engage multiple social contexts - family, friends, school, community and legal system - in the drug abusive adolescent treatment. The results of the researchs point to the family educational practices and parenting styles that either facilitates, or not, drug abusive use, emphasizing the need to engage the family in the addict treatment.

Adolescent; Family; Substance abuse; Treatment; Substance use disorder

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