Open-access Actions and possibilities of accidents prevention with children in daycare at Fortaleza, Ceará State

This paper describes the daily of infantile education teachers in day-cares in the city of Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil as well as the developed actions and the possibilities of prevention accidents' with children, in this educative space of health care. It is a descriptive study, using a qualitative approach that involved 17 day care teachers working at the 6th Regional Executive Office (Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil) in the year of 2004. A semi-structured interview was used to collect the data, which was analysed using the Collective Subject Discourse (CSD) technique. The results showed that teachers believe that this type of accident is preventable through family orientation, physical modifications of house spaces and creation and enforcement of specific laws. They recognise children's agility and curiosity, which facilitate the occurrence of accidents. In their practices, they report and suggest vigilance, physical changes at the day care centers, and education, through orientation directed to children, teachers, parents (or care givers), and the community. Therefore, health care professionals should share their 'caring' practice with professionals in the educational area, not only in order to prevent accidents and other human health afflictions, but also to expand concepts that contribute Health Promotion.

Accidents; Children; Children daycare; Prevention

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