Open-access The use of key informants from within the community for identifying people with functional kinetic alterations in Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil

PURPOSE: Remaining functionally active within a specific social context seems to be one of the hardest challenges faced by our society. The purpose of this paper is to study the epidemiological profiles of people with functional kinetic alterations as noted by key informants living in Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, considering social, economic and cultural characteristics, as well as family/individual profiles and healthcare aspects, linked to functional capacities. METHODOLOGY: This research project included an observational descriptive study. The population studied consisted of people suffering from functional kinetic alterations noted by from key informants, known as chapel-keepers. The tools used were: questionnaires addressed to the chapel-keepers, structured interviews and a Barthel Index rating for the functionally challenged. FINDINGS: Only 21.9% of the population under study is being treated through physiotherapy. The use of key informants is a feasible alternative for helping the functional diagnosis of this population group. The characteristics of the population under study indicate the absence of physiotherapy and the need for effective programs addressing this problem.

Key informants; Functional capacity; Epidemiological profile

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