Open-access Determinants of preterm birth: proposal for a hierarchical theoretical model


Preterm birth (PB) is a syndrome resulting from a complex relationship between multiple factors which do not have fully understood relationships and causality. This article discusses a hierarchical theoretical model of PB determinants, considering maternal characteristics such as sociodemographic, psychosocial, nutritional, behavioral and biological aspects, traditionally associated with increased risk of PB. The variables were distributed in six dimensions within three hierarchical levels (distal, intermediate and proximal). In this model, the socioeconomic determinants of the mother, family, household and neighborhood play indirect effects on PB through variables at the intermediate level, which in turn affect biological risk factors at the proximal level that have a direct effect on PB. The study presents a hierarchical theoretical model of the factors involved in the PB determination chain and their interrelationships. Understanding these interrelationships is an important step in trying to break the causal chain that makes some women vulnerable to preterm birth.

Key words: Preterm birth; Risk factors; Theoretical models

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