Open-access The old age: some theoretical and conceptual considerations

In this study, a discussion is accomplished on some papers concerning to the aging phenomenon, whereas looking for the identification of different analysis perspectives: on the "biological/behavioral" perspective are those studies fundamentally related to the physiologic aging process. The "economicist" perspective is focused on the economic impact of the social aging, by analyzing the matters related to the demand for health services and social welfare benefits. On the perspective of the "sociocultural" character, the old age is understood as a social construction, and the papers discuss the possible forms for its representation. The fourth perspective, "transdisciplinary", represents a dimension trying to contemplate a set of different-natured aspects (biological, economic, sociocultural) pointed out in the previous perspectives. Therefore, considering the complexity of the old age reality and the difficulties to approach theoretically and methodologically the hole theme, this paper concludes that there is not possible to decide which perspective is more appropriate to analyze the aging phenomenon, and appoints the necessity of a deeper and wider debate about the theoretical and practical implications of each perspective.

Populational aging; Old age; Epistemology

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