Open-access Human leptospirosis as a doubly neglected disease in Brazil


The aim of this article is to analyze discrepancies and informational gaps which produce a doubly neglected version of human leptospirosis in the Brazilian public health policy. To achieve this goal, we compared data on morbidity, mortality, hospital and social costs, population profiles, vector habits, social health determinants and diagnostic practices related to leptospirosis with another disease of higher recognition in Brazil: dengue fever. Our analysis shows that the arbitrariness of criteria for assigning health priorities, the invisibility of the population profile of human leptospirosis in official data and its mimetic character in clinic corroborate the production of a version of human leptospirosis that is invisible and, because of that, doubly neglected by the Brazilian public health policy. We conclude that these discrepancies and informational gaps are related to the fact that human leptospirosis affects a population which the State has no interest in keeping alive.

Key words Leptospirosis; Neglected diseases; Public health policies

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