Open-access Therapeutic itineraries of quilombola adults for oral health care in a rural district of Bahia, Brazil


This study examined the oral health-related therapeutic itineraries of quilombola adults in a rural district of Vitória da Conquista, Bahia. This qualitative study involved ten semi-structured interviews of adult members of the quilombola community, in May 2021, which were then transcribed and analysed using content analysis. The results showed little or poor oral hygiene at some stage of life, especially in childhood and adolescence, the use of popular oral health care practices, and experiences of professional care featuring tooth extraction. Use of health services was mostly reported only in the period prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Responses as to perceived ease of access to health services in the community varied. One common complaint as to satisfaction with oral health was the need to use or replace dental prostheses. This study concluded that oral health must be promoted jointly with disease prevention, dental rehabilitation and recognition for the knowledge and worldview of the quilombola population.

Key words: Health knowledge; attitudes; practices; Oral health; African Continental Ancestry Group; Ethnicity and health

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