Open-access Quality of care in the family healthcare units in the city of Recife: user perception

This study seeks to assess user perception regarding the quality of care in Family Health Units in Recife. It is a descriptive cross-sectional study adopting a quantitative approach. The survey was conducted in Recife and 939 users were interviewed, being predominantly young adults, female, married, housewives with low levels of education. They have strong links with the units, taking it as a benchmark for their care. The results show care in accordance with scheduled demand and users manifest marked satisfaction with the work of the professionals and less satisfaction with the conditions offered at the units. The younger and more educated the users are, the less satisfied they are with the conditions offered. There is considerable dissatisfaction with delays in attendance, in accessibility and the lack of educational and community activities, the latter two dimensions being related to the core principles of this strategy. The marked satisfaction with clinical care, confidentiality and right to information, which are dimensions related to user-professional relationship are fundamental to the quality of care. This evaluation focused on each aspect of the service provided and makes an important contribution with the critical appraisal reported by users.

Health evaluation; User satisfaction; Family Health Program

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