Open-access Prescription, offer and access to medications for erectile dysfunction: a paradox in public health?


This is an opinion-based article that aims to reflect on the antagonism established between the National Policy of Integral Attention to Men’s Health (PNAISH) with specific focus on ED (Erectile Dysfunction), directed to access to medication. It is well-known that PNAISH presents objectives that go beyond sexual and reproductive health, especially, even after 13 years of its publication, since there was no incorporation of medications to treat ED within the SUS. This article was developed based on the scenario observed in the daily care of patients who undergo treatment in the Men’s Health Outpatient Service of a High-Complexity Hospital. According to this perspective, it is important to emphasize, that the prescription of medications within the SUS should faithfully follow the Rename; as recommended by Decree 7,508, observing the Resolution SS-83 of 2015, in the state of São Paulo. This establishes that the cost of dispensing medications not included in the SUS pharmaceutical assistance protocols, through judicialization, prescribed by a physician in the state health network, may be funded by the institution to which this physician is affiliated.

Key words: Erectile Dysfunction; Drug Prescriptions; Men’s Health; Health Policy

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