Open-access Pronouncements on humanization: professionals and users in a complex health institution


This paper presents the pronouncements on humanization of professionals and users of a health care and research institution. Interviews were conducted with 16 professionals and 44 users. The analytical method employed was the Discourse of the Collective Subject, the results of which were discussed based on the theoretical framework presented, which includes the Theory of communicative action of Habermas and recognized authors in the public health area. The findings point to the importance of the set of hard, light-hard and light technologies for humanized practice. The articulation role played by communicative action was highlighted both for the creation of a network of professionals and in the relationship between professionals and patients. The practice of research was considered by professionals and users as a factor that increases the quality of care and contributes to humanization. Care at the institute was considered good, both by practitioners and users, who emphasized the importance of problem resolution for humanization. The professionals highlighted the working conditions and the autonomy of professionals and patients, with the appreciation of each person's knowledge. The intersectoral work revealed itself to be an important challenge for the Brazilian Health System (SUS).

Key words Humanization; Communicative action; Conversation networks; Public health SUS

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