Open-access Association between the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages and food markers: National Dietary Survey 2008-2009

Associação entre o consumo de bebidas adoçadas e marcadores da alimentação: Inquérito Nacional de Alimentação 2008-2009


We aimed to analyze the association between sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) consumption with healthy food markers (HFM) and unhealthy food markers (UFM) as well as their impact on these markers in the Brazilian population’s diet. Food consumption during two nonconsecutive days of food records of individuals aged ten years or over were investigated in the National Dietary Survey 2008-2009 (n = 32,900) and the caloric contributions of HFM and UFM were distributed according to the categories of SSB consumption. Multiple linear regression was applied to analyze the associations between the consumption of SSB and the impact of a 50% reduction in portion size and dietary markers. The contribution of energy from HFM was higher among individuals who did not consume SSB. A 50% reduction in the average portion of SSB in the population would imply a 6% decrease in energy contribution to the diet and 12% decrease in total energy from added sugar. It would increase the consumption of HFM and dietary fiber by 7g and 4g, respectively. A 50% reduction in SSB serving size is a strategy that could improve the quality of the diet, increase the consumption of HFM and fiber and reduce the consumption of sugar and UFM.

Key words: Eating; Food and beverages; Diet survey; Healthy diet

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