Open-access Pattern of medicine consumption among users of the primary health care services in Lorena, SP

This cross-sectional study was aimed at describing the pattern of medicine consumption of adults and elderly, users of the primary health care services in Lorena, state of São Paulo. Information with regard to the following characteristics was collected: social-demographic data, the reason for seeking the service, medical prescription and medication used in the last month, where this medication was purchased, self-medication and use of homeopathic medication. 766 individuals were interviewed, 66% of them women. More than 40% informed having a chronic disease and most of them considered themselves to be in good health. Approximately 70% of the studied population used drugs following medical prescription with a medicament/person average of 1.5, most of them for high blood pressure. This number increased with the age, was higher in situations of maintenance of health and cases of disease, in case of existence of chronic disease, in cases self-reported as in bad health conditions for men and regular health conditions for women. For the women the number was also higher for those not regularly using some primary care unit and those in return visits. Self medication and use of homeopathic medication were low.

Drugs; Homeopathy; Allopathy; Health care services; National Health System; Brazil

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