Open-access Application of conceptual mapping in the regulation of access to public health services in the Federal District, Brazil


Health regulation in the pursuit of equity is the goal of management and requires evaluation methods that improve work processes. The scope of this article is to analyze the application of conceptual mapping in the regulation of access to public health services. It is an exploratory and descriptive study, using a mixed approach, carried out at the Health Regulatory Complex of the Federal District. The data were collected between August and October 2019 and analyzed with the assistance of IRaMuTeQ and Concept Systems® software. There is a convergence of the 25 statements generated by the 71 participants, grouped into 4 clusters, on regulation towards the principle of equity. The healthcare priority level was presented as the focus of regulation and management, the driving force behind the integration of processes. Conceptual mapping is a tool that can support regulation planning and evaluation, as it makes it possible to identify priority points to be worked on by management in improving the regulatory processes identified in this study. These include the training of professionals, the transparency of information and the level of priority healthcare, for effective, equitable, rational and timely access for users of the health system.

Key words: Healthcare regulation and monitoring; Accessibility of health services; Conceptual mapping; Health management; Health evaluation

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