Open-access Poisoning by agricultural pesticides in the state of Goiás, Brazil, 2005-2015: analysis of records in official information systems


The effect of pesticide use on human health is a problem that has received attention from the scientific community worldwide, especially in central countries, where the highest number of deaths due to human exposure to these agents is observed. Production and productivity increased through the progress of agro-industrialization, but risks to the environment and health were not taken into account. Over time, several cases of environmental contamination and public health problems, poisoning of rural workers, and food residues were observed. These factors triggered the recognition of risks arising from pesticide abuse. This study aimed to characterize pesticide poisonings reported to a toxicological information center of the state of Goiás through a retrospective analysis from 2005 to 2015. Data were mapped and tabulated by the purpose of pesticides, the circumstance of poisoning, and case development. The poisoning profile pointed to a higher occurrence of work- and suicide-related poisonings, with a predominance of poisoned patients, although chronic effects were not recorded, suggesting a false diagnosis of cure.

Key words Poisoning; Agrochemicals; Geographic mapping; Information systems; Compulsory notification

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