Open-access Healthcare difficulties among people who have a drug use problem: an integrative review


The scope of this study was to understand the difficulties involving healthcare for people with a drug use problem within the context of specialized mental health services, both nationally and internationally. It involves an integrative review conducted in the PubMed, LILACS, Web of Science, SCOPUS, and EMBASE databases, with the following key words: Drug Users; Mental Health Services; Health Care. Eighteen studies were selected, the inclusion criteria being primary studies, available in full, published in English, Spanish and Portuguese, between January 2016 and January 2021. The inclusion criteria were primary studies, available in full, published in English, Spanish and Portuguese, during the period from January 2016 through January 2021. The analysis identified that the difficulties in healthcare for people with a drug use problem are linked to the dimensions of public health policies, models of care adopted, and the stakeholders involved, and that these aspects are interrelated. It also emphasizes the need for specialized training, as well as further in-depth research that addresses the therapeutics of the drug use problem, and the development of new healthcare technologies for this population group.

Key words: Drug users; Mental health services; Health care

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