Open-access Cervical cancer guidelines, prevention and screening strategies: experiences from Brazil and Chile


This article analyzes cervical cancer control policies and actions in Brazil and Chile, focusing on prevention and screening. We adopted a comparative approach to identify similarities and differences in guidelines and cervical cancer prevention and screening strategies between the two countries. We used the following data collection techniques: analysis of official documents and secondary data, consultations with experts, government officials and program coordinators, and literature review. The findings show that Chile has a well-structured program with centralized decision-making and a system that permits monitoring of actions. Brazil on the other hand faces ongoing issues with lack of coordination and shortcomings in the follow-up of women with abnormal test results. The following challenges to consolidating cervical cancer screening stand out in Brazil: lack of active tracking of the target population; absence of a test quality assurance system; and inadequate follow-up of women with abnormal test results. Both countries need to increase coverage and implement organized screening.

Key words: Cervical cancer; Screening; Public policy; Health systems

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