Open-access Suicide attempts among the elderly: a review of the literature (2002/2013)

A literature review was carried out focusing on the main factors associated with suicide attempts among the elderly. The research was conducted between 2002 and 2013 in the MEDLINE, Lilacs, Pubmed, PsychINFO, SciELO, the Virtual Library in Violence and Health from BIREME and the Virtual Library of Public Health databases. 105 texts were selected and 75 were analyzed. Studies are on the increase in North America, Europe and Asia, rare in Latin America and do not exist in Africa. The major causal factors for attempted suicide are degenerative and chronic diseases, physical dependence, mental disturbances and suffering, as well as severe depression. Depression is the most relevant cause found, combined with chronic physical suffering, loss, abandonment, loneliness and family conflicts. Differences in gender, ethnicity, the ageing process, social issues and cultural backgrounds are also major contributing factors. The subject of suicide attempts among the elderly is a problem that is extremely relevant to the Unified Health System (SUS); however, this problem is not addressed in Brazil in theoretical or practical terms. We trust that this review can serve as a model for empirical studies to contribute to health support for the elderly and promote health in old age.

The elderly; Attempted suicide; Suicide and ideation; Risk factors; Review

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