Open-access Communication in health: some reflections based on the perception of bedridden patients in a nursery

Research of images and meanings about the experiences of patients during the service/treatment in a nursery; aiming to problematize ethic matters in the routine of health practices to stimulate reflections about the professional training and situations considered "natural" attributable to routine urgencies. It was given cameras to 5 bedridden patients in an Orthopedics Nursery of a University Hospital on the second semester of the year 2001, so they could register by photos their experiences as patients, looking for answers to the following questions: what is the meaning of being in bed and unable to get up of it? What is good and bad about your routine in the nursery? Trying to understand this material through the patients' point of view, find herewith part of this experience registered and related. The results showed that amongst the biggest difficulties faced by them were dependence, bringing about embarrassment and discomfort; and lack of information, producing insecurity and enlarging dependence.

Communication; Ethics; Humanization; Photography

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