Open-access Information Systems on violence against women: an integrative review


Violence against women, enhanced by issues of race/ethnicity, class and generation, constitutes one of the main obstacles to overcoming gender inequalities in all spheres of life, including the private domain. Over the past decades, actions to confront the phenomenon have advanced significantly in Brazil, particularly the growing output and the systematization of information on the topic. In this sense, Information Systems (IS) are important tools in the collection, processing/organization and dissemination of official statistics on this type of violence, the objective of which is to assist in the planning and implementation of intersectoral public policies. It is noteworthy that these devices are characterized as a space for disputes of diverse interests. That is, they are not neutral instruments, but they bring with them a worldview that guides them. Thus, a critical analysis of information systems on violence against women is necessary, dealing with how they characterize the phenomenon, as well as feeding decisions and planning actions. Based on an integrative review, this paper aims to analyze how information systems on violence against women are portrayed in national and international academic production.

Key words: Information; Information Systems; Violence against women

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