Open-access Incentives and challenges related to technological research and innovation within the Unified Health System in the Federal District of Brazil


This article analyzes the profile of research conducted in the Federal District of Brazil funded through public calls for proposals issued by the Research for the SUS Program: shared health management/Federal District (PPSUS/DF) and a research support program run by the Superior School of Health Sciences, maintained by the Health Sciences Teaching and Research Foundation (ESCS/FEPECS, acronym in Portuguese). A document analysis was undertaken of all research funded by the PPSUS/DF and ESCS/FEPECS’s Research Support Program between 2008 and 2017 using the following variables: year, title, research themes of the National Agenda for Health Research Priorities (ANPPS, acronym in Portuguese), implementing organization, area of application of research, and amount of funding. PPSUS/DF funded 73 projects with a total investment of approximately R$8 million, while ESCS/FEPECS funded 85 projects with a total investment of R$2.3 million. This study provides a critical analysis of the research themes supported by ESCS/FEPECS and PPSUS/DF between 2008 and 2017. It is recommended that future calls for proposals should prioritize the three leading causes of death in the Federal District and the organization and evaluation of healthcare services.

Keywords Scientific research and technological development; Unified health system; Health services research; Research funding

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