Open-access Agreement between information recorded during antenatal care and in the MINA-Brazil study


This article aims to examine agreement of pre-pregnancy weight, pregnancy weight, height and systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressure measurements recorded on antenatal record cards with the same information obtained in the MINA-Brazil longitudinal study. 428 pregnant women who participated in the MINA-Brazil study and had an antenatal card at time of childbirth were selected. Concordance analysis of the data used Lin’s correlation coefficient and Bland-Altman analysis. There was moderate agreement on self-reported pre-pregnancy weight (0.935) and height (0.913) information, and substantial agreement on the pregnant women’s weight in the second (0.993) and third (0.988) trimesters of pregnancy. Little agreement was found on SBP and DBP measured in the second (SBP = 0.447; DBP = 0.409) and third (SBP = 0.436; DBP = 0.332) trimesters of pregnancy. Anthropometric measurements showed strong agreement. There was weak agreement between blood pressure measurements, which may relate both to the variability and the standardisation of these measurements, suggesting the need for continued training of antenatal teams in primary health care.

Key words: Anthropometry; Antenatal care; Pregnancy; Maternal health

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