Open-access A new formula for managing family doctors’ patient list in Portugal

Uma nova fórmula para a gestão das listas de utentes dos médicos de família em Portugal


In Portugal, family doctors work with a well-defined list of patients to whom they provide healthcare throughout their lives. Several studies showed that larger list sizes are associa- ted with poorer health outcomes and compromise the quality of care. A significant increase in the average list size has been observed in recent years due to the Portuguese unfavorable socioeconomic context and the lack of family doctors. In 2017, the Portuguese Association of General and Fa- mily Medicine (APMGF) developed technical and scientific research that ultimately typified a set of different clinical practice contexts. It considers the geographic and socioeconomic characteristics and a set of population-based indicators, adjusting the list size according to the population’s specific needs. Such adjustments ensure health care services with better quality, safety, efficacy, and personalized to their features. In this paper, a brief review is made on this topic, focusing on the work developed by APMGF and its main results.

Key words: Primary Health Care; List Sizes; Family Doctor

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