Open-access Vaccines, immunization and technological innovation: an update

The smallpox worldwide eradication was the major world public health achievement. The binomial vaccines and immunization continues to demonstrate very high performance in the prevention and control of other diseases preventable by vaccination. The new global initiatives on vaccination, such as GAVI, have made possible the introduction of new and important vaccines preventing million of children deaths in the poorest countries in the world. The National Immunization Program of Brazil is also being strengthened, with the introduction of several new vaccines into the basic calendar as rotavirus, pneumococcal and meningococcal conjugated and H1N1 in national campaign, covering the population at risk. With the discovery of high valued vaccines, the big pharmaceutical companies became interested in this area, investing heavily in technological innovation, making fusions, acquisitions and technological partnerships. Brazil has also established a new innovation policy, creating new laws as well as subsidizing projects in technological innovation and modernization of production infra-structure.

Vaccine; Vaccination; Biotechnology; Technological innovation

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